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15 of YouTube’s Biggest Richest Stars

YouTube is considered a favorite among many Internet users, and is one of the most popular websites in the world, comparable to Facebook and Google. It also has its own phone app, which allows people to watch videos on the go. The types of videos on YouTube vary drastically from how-to videos to funny cat videos, and so there’s something for everyone, which is why it’s such a popular website. Those who successfully use YouTube as a platform to get themselves out there have become quite successful. However, keep in mind that YouTube Partners forbids anyone from disclosing how much money they’ve made from YouTube, and so we can only have guesses and estimates as to how much money they make. Here are fifteen of some of the most profitable YouTube celebrities.


Blue Xephos

Blue Xephos have been able to make $1.93 million from creating YouTube videos. Two gamers by the names Lewis Brindley and Simon Lane make up Blue Xephos, which produce YouTube videos on videogames, as well as commentary videos. Their YouTube channel has about 7 million subscribers, and 2.83 billion views. This is in part thanks to the massive video game industry, and its following, which this duo has capitalized on in order to make a very profitable business venture.



These two have made $1.98 million and have almost 7.2 million channel subscribers with 805 million total views. No one knows for sure who is behind this YouTube channel, however we do know that whoever it is, is making A LOT of money. This YouTube user shows little of his face, and doesn’t do much but commentate on video game plays.



This YouTube channel brings in between $495.3K and $4.6 million a year with more than 7.5 million subscribers and 188.5 million channel views. As the name of the channel suggests, it mostly consists of machinma videos. These are videos that are made using video game engines. The genre of these videos varies widely from comedy skits to actual seasons of longer episodes.



This YouTube Channel boasts more than 8.2 million subscribers and over 227. 6 million channel views. It earns between $348.K and $3.2 million every year. This was one of the first YouTube stars to make it big and actually make a substantial amount of money off of his YouTube videos. What began as a simple hobby of releasing very hilarious and creative videos ended up landing the creator a full time job of creating high quality videos that earn him a mass influx of cash.



Jenna Marbles is one of the most recognized YouTube personalities in the U.S., which may be why she is making between $400.8K and $3.8 million every year. So what exactly does Jenna Marbles talk about? She pretty much talks about whatever comes to mind, but she does it very well and she is a great YouTube personality.


The BajanCanadian

The Baja Canadian, otherwise known as Mitch Donald Ralph Hughes, has made about $2.04 million from his YouTube channel. He is another video game commentator, who entertains about 3.25 million subscribers with his witty remarks. People love that Mitch seems to have created his very own slang to comment on video games, which they have to work very hard to learn and understand. However, those who watch his videos religiously always know exactly what he’s talking about.



This 23-year-old man named German Garmendia has made about $2.11 million from his YouTube channel. He is a Chilean comedian who creates videos in Spanish, which people love to watch. His loyal followers love how funny and real he is with his comedy. He has about 18.86 million subscribers and it’s growing every day.



This duo has done very well for themselves, gaining about $2.26 million and they currently have around 7.7 millions YouTube subscribers. Their channel actually began as an accident, when Jesse Wellens (the boyfriend) pranked Jeanna (the girlfriend) into eating a spoon of cinnamon, which he filmed and put on YouTube. Not to let him get away with this, Jeanna retaliated and uploaded the film as well, which began a massive prank war that is extremely popular with many people.



These two are a few of YouTube’s very first stars. They’ve gained a few huge endorsements and sponsors, including Comedy Central and Ford. They are both from Brooklyn, which is where they take teens, kids and everyone in the middle to show them videos. They then film that young person’s reaction to watching the video and put it on their channel. Their videos are typically quite crazy and completely hilarious, which makes them millions of dollars every year.



The two guys who have created this YouTube channel are bringing in over $4.5 million each year. The two comedians are extremely popular on YouTube. They enjoy creating slapstick comedy and making parody videos of some of the most famous celebrities, as well as the happenings around the world. Their YouTube channel blew up fast, and they’ve been growing ever since.



This page has over 1.05 million subscribers and about 1.5 million page views, which makes it a very popular YouTube channel. The women behind this page has remained completely anonymous, despite her constant uploading of videos, which is estimated to gain her about $5.06 million a year. This anonymous women posts videos of her playing with various Disney memorabilia and toys and voices over her actions. Many people love her videos, as they are very entertaining for small children and for those who love Disney.



PewDiePie makes over $8.47 million a year and has gained over 23.9 million subscribers; with almost 3.7 billion page views to date. Felix Arvid Ulf Kjelberg is the man behind this channel. He was born in Sweden, is obsessed with video games, and often uses very bad language in his videos. He makes his money by filming himself playing such computer games as Minecraft while talking about what he is doing. He is extremely rude, but people also find him very funny, with a crude sense of humor. Although all his videos show his screen, he also displays his face in the corner so that you can see his reaction while he plays.


Epic Rap Battles

Epic Rap Battles bring in about $5.7 million a year, and the channel has 818 million views. All it took for this channel to get started was a simple idea shared between two friends, and a very small budget of about $50 per episode at the creation of this channel. The showing of Adolf Hitler vs. Darth Vadar is what got this YouTube channels popularity skyrocketing in 2011, and it has been doing great ever since.



Almost everyone has heard about this very annoying YouTube channel that makes over $13.3 million each year. It was created by Dane Boedigheimer back in 2009, and stars an orange that lives to annoy all the other vegetables and fruits surrounding him. This channel is considered to be one of the most popular on YouTube.



Ray William Johnson is one of the most successful vloggers, or video bloggers out there. He brings in an estimated $18.2 million every year. Ray lives in Oklahoma, where he bases all his videos in. These videos are so popular that in 2011 he had 6 out of the 20 most watched YouTube videos of the month. Ray’s enormous popularity came from his mini-series called ‘Equals Three’, in which he watches viral videos and inputs his commentary and opinion. He is also a very skilled music writer, and his lyrics have been used by many different music genres. He maintains a huge and consistent viewership using his originality and witty commentary. His videos can vary drastically from being informative and interesting to down right offensive, and slightly crude.

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