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The Strangest Things Used as Collateral for a Loan

In this day and age, most loans are guaranteed with some kind of collateral simply because it improves the chances that the borrower will make payments on time so that he or she can get their stuff back. It also…

5 Reasons Automating Your Finances Will Make Life Easier

You work hard to make your well-earned money, but when it comes to keeping track of your recurring monthly bills, savings, debts and retirement accounts, you may find it incredibly difficult to keep track, which isn’t good for your financial…

6 Penny Wise Life Hacks for Fall

Fall is that time of year that everyone feels the hustle and bustle of life. With school starting, holidays quickly approaching, and the weather getting colder, many people feel out of control with their budgets, feeling like they have to…

6 Penny Wise Life Hacks for Fall

Fall is that time of year when everyone feels the hustle and bustle of life. With school starting, holidays quickly approaching, and the weather getting colder, many people feel out of control with their budgets, feeling like they have to…

What Rapid Rescoring Can and Cannot Do

Rapid rescoring can help you improve your credit score within a very short amount of time, which in the case of a mortgage loan approval, could mean the difference between thousands of dollars with a lower interest rate. What is…

5 Frugal Tips to Save Money When Living Single

It makes sense that those who live on their own are forced to spend a greater amount of their income on day-to-day living expenses compared to those who have a roommate or are in a relationship. When looking at the…

4 Sneaky Credit Card Tricks and Traps to Avoid

Credit cards can be an extremely helpful personal finance tool when used correctly and with self-control. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be wary of their use. Credit card companies make a profit when you don’t pay your balance…

7 Survival Skill Tactics for the Low-Income Earner

The majority of Americans want to save money, build a nest egg and have financial plans for the future. They have goals such as traveling, retiring early, or purchasing a dream home. That being said, when living on a low…