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6 Penny Wise Life Hacks for Fall

Fall is that time of year that everyone feels the hustle and bustle of life. With school starting, holidays quickly approaching, and the weather getting colder, many people feel out of control with their budgets, feeling like they have to spend more money than they can afford. Before you break the bank this fall, consider these 6 penny wise life hacks to help you save money without sacrificing some of your favorite things.

1.  Repair Windows

Now is the perfect time to check for leaks in your windows. A simple technique is to use a lit candle near each window in your home taking special care to keep flames away from window coverings and curtains. If the flame flickers, chances there is air leaking from the window. Rather than waiting until the leak is really bad, re-caulk or replace the seals around the window. This will cost you a fraction of the price that new windows would cost. As an added bonus, you decrease the amount your furnace needs to run. This means a lower heating bill, which everyone can enjoy.

2.  Use a Programmable Thermostat

We all want a warm home, but there is no reason to run the furnace when you are sleeping or not home. With a programmable thermostat, which you can grab on sale, you can control when the furnace runs. For example, if you work outside of the house all day, set the temperature lower. Within an hour or two of your normal return time, you can increase the temperature to make the house comfortable for you when you get home.

3.  Decorate Your Home for Fall Inexpensively

Luckily, there are many ways to decorate your home for fall without spending a lot. Pumpkins go a long way in decorating because they are so versatile. You can paint them, carve them, or decorate them with scraps you have around the house. You can hit up the Dollar Store for fake leaves and autumn colored flowers, making your own centerpieces. You can also use leaves from the outdoors, doubling up this fun activity as a family hike and a way to decorate your home for fall.

4.  Attend Fall Festivals

With the new season, you may want to get out and enjoy some Fall activities but may not have it in your budget for costly outings. Many towns have free fall festivals for everyone to enjoy. Walk around and take in the beautiful sights, enjoy some delicious fall food, such as caramel apples, apple cider, and pumpkin pie. Or just get out and socialize with the people from your area without spending very much money.

5.  Make Your Home Smell Nice

One of the most pleasant things about fall is the incredibly inviting smells that surround us, making us crave all things warm and comforting. If you want to make your house feel warm and comforting without paying for expensive potpourri, consider making your own. You can get as creative as you want with the items you use to help enhance the aroma of your home. A few ideas include dehydrated apples and oranges along with cinnamon sticks and clove. Place everything in a vase you have lying around the house and enjoy the beautiful aroma.

6.  Make Halloween Costumes

If you have kids, Halloween is sure to be an exciting time around your house! Rather than wasting a lot of money on already made costumes, be frugal and come up with your own ideas. Even if you do not sew, there are many hacks you can use to create your own homemade costume with items from around the house or even from the dollar store. Pinterest is a great source to find frugal Halloween costume ideas.

Frugal and fall can go together without feeling like you have to sacrifice. Splurge on the little things like apple cider and caramel apples and be frugal with other things around your home. This way you can entertain everyone without breaking the bank. As a bonus, you have a decorated, beautifully smelling home that is the epitome of fall and all that it has to offer.

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