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By Brenda

Why You May Want to Skip Using a Bi-weekly Payment Company

May 29 2015 Parent Category

Biweekly payment plan companies are making a comeback as they attempt to advertise their biweekly payment program for loans. This is a type of program that claims to be an extremely convenient way to save thousands of dollars by budgeting for payments on …

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By Brenda

Tips to Survive and Thrive the Expat Life

May 22 2015 Parent Category

Moving to a different country can be extremely stressful, as problems can arise while planning your stay, as well as when you are there. From figuring out your transportation to deciding on what personal belongings you should bring along, there are many …

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By Brenda

Attributes of a Legit Debt Settlement Company

May 15 2015 Parent Category

Debt settlement companies are institutions that are there in order to aid you in reducing or eliminating the debt from your life entirely. Legitimate ones have professional knowledge, skills and experience that will help them in putting together a debt relief …

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By Brenda

Pros and Cons of a 5/1 Arm Loan

May 08 2015 Parent Category

Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARM) can sound like a risky option since payments can decrease or increase based on the interest rate, which you have no control over. However, in some cases, a hybrid ARM may actually be a great option for your financial situation. …

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By Brenda

How an Economic Decline Can Affect Personal Loan Rates

May 01 2015 Parent Category

We all know that an economic downturn spells bad news for everyone, however do you know how a recession really affects your interest rate on personal loans? The Federal Reserve is the main banking system in the US, and is charged with keeping prices stable, …

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