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Tips to Help You Qualify for an FHA Loan with Bad Credit

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is an organization that provides insurance for mortgage loans. FHA lenders that offer FHA products will receive a guarantee from the government that if the borrower defaults on their mortgage loan, the FHA will repay…

Attributes of a Legit Debt Settlement Company

Debt settlement companies are institutions that are there in order to aid you in reducing or eliminating the debt from your life entirely. Legitimate ones have professional knowledge, skills and experience that will help them in putting together a debt…

Pros and Cons of a 5/1 Arm Loan

Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARM) can sound like a risky option since payments can decrease or increase based on the interest rate, which you have no control over. However, in some cases, a hybrid ARM may actually be a great option for…

Making Contributions to Both a Solo 401K and a SEP IRA

Simplified Employment Pensions are a very similar type of retirement account to solo 401ks as both are meant for those who are self-employed, however there are a few differences between the two. A SEP IRA allows you to make a…

4 Situations Where the IRS Can Intercept Your Refund

If you’ve just filed your taxes and were expecting to receive a nice refund in the mail then you may be shocked to find out that your check is no longer coming once you check your tax refund status. Whether…

Pros and Cons of a Stated Income HELOC Loan

Home equity loans allow homeowners to borrow money using their home equity as collateral. If you bought a home for $50,000, for example, and only owe $25,000 on the mortgage, you might be able to establish a revolving line of credit…

What Happens to a Borrowers Credit if their Cosigner Dies

A lot of people obtain the help of cosigners in order to gain access to credit accounts due to the fact that they don’t have adequate credit, or sometimes don’t have credit at all. However, not many take into consideration…

Why You May Want to Skip Using a Bi-weekly Payment Company

Biweekly payment plan companies are making a comeback as they attempt to advertise their biweekly payment program for loans. This is a type of program that claims to be an extremely convenient way to save thousands of dollars by budgeting…

Pros and Cons of Doing a Credit Product Change

A credit product change is the term used to refer to the changing of a credit card account from a product offered by a bank to a different product offered to you by the same bank. A credit product change…

What are USDA Mortgage Loans?

If you’re unaware of the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) loan program then you aren’t the only one. This is due to the fact that it is a very specific niche product that only serves a small fraction of…