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The Long-Term Financial Impact of Filing for Bankruptcy

When your debt becomes too overwhelming to handle, declaring bankruptcy is a valid option that you can use to wipe your financial slate clean. Although this will help you with your immediate cash flow problems, that doesn’t mean that there…

The Ultimate Guide to Hard Money Loans

When many people hear the term “hard money loan”, otherwise known as a “private money loan”, they often think of shady lenders that charge their customers with unaffordable interest rates. Although this might have been the case in years past…

The Ultimate Guide to Auto Financing

Buying a new car can be exciting until you head into the Finance Manager’s office and your head starts spinning with all of the numbers thrown at you. Before you step foot into a dealership to purchase a vehicle, you…

The Ultimate Guide to Personal Loans

Personal loans are a consumer loan provided to you for use at your own discretion. Some common reasons consumers obtain this type of loan include to pay off medical bills, to pay for a sought after vacation, make changes to…

The Ultimate Guide to Payday Advance Loans

If you are considering a payday loan, then it is crucial that you fully understand what it means to take one out. Payday loans otherwise called cash advances or check loans are a kind of short-term loan that is usually…

How to Stop a Tax Refund Offset Due to Hardship

Many taxpayers are not aware of the fact that the federal government has a Treasury Offset Program that lets any federal agency or state recover a debt by taking hold of a taxpayer’s tax refund. This typically results in the…

10 Tips for Finding the Least Riskiest Stocks

Thousands of stocks can be bought on the stock market. So how exactly do you find the least risky ones to purchase? In most cases it is best to perform a complete stock screen by using a set of criteria…

8 Pros and Cons of Raising the Federal Minimum Wage

The raising of the minimum wage in the United States has been a topic of much discussion during the Obama presidency. The president stated in his 2014 State of the Union Address that he wanted to increase the minimum wage…