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By Brenda

5 Reasons Automating Your Finances Will Make Life Easier

Oct 14 2016 Parent Category I

You work hard to make your well-earned money, but when it comes to keeping track of your recurring monthly bills, savings, debts and retirement accounts, you may find it incredibly difficult to keep track, which isnق€™t good for your financial health. The good news, however, is that you can easily automate your finances so that you donق€™t have to worry about making all the deadlines on your accounts. Automation means that you place an automated system on your account that takes care of money management tasks that you would otherwise have to do yourself. Essentially, it involves putting an automatic transfer in place from your checking to your savings each pay cycle, which allows you to never have to pay your bills manually again. Here are five reasons why automating your finances will make your life easier.

1. آ Reduces the Chances of Human Error

If you forget to pay a bill on time, youق€™re going to be hit with a major late fee and if you accidently spend money that was supposed to go towards rent, you may find yourself in a sticky situation. Humans are prone to error and even the most organized tend to forget things every once in a while. Unfortunately, when it comes to your finances, there isnق€™t much room for error. When you choose to automate your finances, you instantly remove the human error component. You donق€™t have to think twice about putting money away each month to pay your bills on time. It just happens automatically.

2. آ It Makes You More Frugal

Weق€™ve all had those moments when we choose to spend our money unwisely, whether itق€™s to pay for an expensive dinner with your rent money or buy an expensive gadget with grocery money. However, automating your bill payments and savings forces you to be more frugal as youق€™re only given a certain amount of money every month to go towards extra expenses. When you want to buy an expensive dinner or toy then youق€™ll have to get creative if you want it instead of just taking it out of an account meant for something else.


3. آ It Gives You Assurance

When it comes to unexpected expenses that come up such as having to pay for a broken car or roof repair, then automating your savings account can help you do so. When you set aside money each month for your savings account, you can start also putting money into an emergency fund that will help to cover any extra costs that come up without having to dip into your budget.


4. آ It Helps Stop Temptation

When you automate your savings and bills, youق€™re taking money and putting it in a place that is ق€œout of sight, out of mind.ق€ Doing so makes it a lot easier to avoid temptations that you face when being lured by a purchase. If you can tangibly see money in your account, then itق€™s a lot easier to talk yourself into using it to purchase something you want. However, you canق€™t spend money you donق€™t have. Putting it in a place you canق€™t see it will remind you that itق€™s meant for other things.

5. آ It Allows You to Not Feel Guilty

When you automate your finances, you know the exact amount of money you have that is meant for spending. This allows you to splurge on the items you really want or go out to a few fancy dinners without feeling guilty or worrying that youق€™re dipping into your rent money. Itق€™s quite a nice feeling when youق€™re not having to worry about such things when you want to enjoy yourself.

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